You know how much I love bacon.
And chocolate.
The taste combined? Not so much....
The name combined? Works really well.
I certainly hope that the hasty manner in which these photographs were taken are an indication of how darn decadent these chocolates are! I obviously couldn't wait to rip open the package and take a bite.
Speaking of packaging, isn't it adorable? LOVE the design!
The chocolate itself comes in lovely voluminous piggy shapes.....sadly, not evident in this image...I was too eager, what can I say?
You'd be too.
Check out the fantastical Hagensborg Chocolate company based out in Vancouver Canada, for more. Sadly can't buy these delights online, however, Zimbel's Cafe carries them ($3) in Peanut Butter, Orange and Raspberry flavours. There's also plain ol' milk chocolate which I suspect is anything but plain.